Thursday, May 10, 2012


Thanks to the wonderfully talented Scott Windes, Kaboom, the production company I'm signed as a director to, has a great new website:


Adobe Acrobat Film Shoot!

Way back in September I directed a campaign for Adobe Acrobot, below are some still from the final spots and one from the shoot.  Chris Saul was the DP on it, which was great since we had the chance to shoot on the Alexa!  All of these characters are supposed to be in different parts of the world.  When in reality Trevor, Augustus, and Molly were shot in the same house just down the road from me.  Claudia, Mazawa and Abigail were shot in another house out in Westwood. The link for the website is below as well:

                                         STEVE DALLAS:







Monday, November 14, 2011


It's been a while since I last wrote in here and there's been a lot that has happened. I signed as a director for Kaboom Productions based out of San Fransisco that's headed up by a fantastic group of people. Here are some recent articles:

I just finished a shoot for Adobe that I'll be posting up here. Here's the Kaboom website:

New website coming soon! (thanks Scott Windes!)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

SHOOT Magazine New Directors Showcase!

A couple weeks ago I was picked by Shoot Magazine as one of their up and coming new directors and featured in the magazine and online along with 30 other directors. Here's the link to the site below:

It was a blast going to New York for the first time to attend the showcase. Niki and I have been excited to go together and final were able to. I had my first slices of New York pizza which were amazing! We got to see the city and hang out, staying with our good friends Kyle and Derek Wong. Nathan flew out as well to go to the showcase and enjoy the city.

Me taking part in the panel discussion at the showcase at the DGA (Directors Guild of America) Theater on 56th Street.
Me and Niki on a bench at Central Park. It was so cool seeing the city and experiencing it with Niki.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba Premiere!!! COMMERCIALS AND MORE NEWS!!!!!!

So finally, the newest episode I wrote, edited and directed premiered on Nickelodeon during Fairy Tale Friday over a month ago. It was a lot of fun seeing it on television and all the friends and family who were able to finally see it. Here are some still I can finally put up:


The commercials are almost finished. JWT, is super excited about the Stride spots and will be pitching them to Stride in the next couple of weeks, which is awesome since there is a really good chance that they might air. I'm really happy with how they're turning out and look forward to finally putting them on my website when I finally put that together. I'll post them as they become available for public viewing.

In the meantime, Nathan, Jackson and I are putting together a pilot for Cartoon Network's Adult Swim programming called "It's a Weird World. It's based off of Jackson's single panel comic strips he created years ago. I really think that Jackson is the next Gary Larson, now all we need to do is get him writing more comics! We're in the writing stages now coming up with ideas and formatting. We'll probably shoot it around spring time and then pitch it soon after.

Also Nathan and I are writing a screenplay for a feature film that we're actually talking to someone about financing. We'll see what happens there. I'll share more about the film itself soon!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Over a week ago I finally shot the group of spec commercials that I've been planning on shooting for over a year now. Thanks to Harky Jewett who helped out with the finances!! The next step is to finish editing all of them and see that at least the production costs can be covered by one of the ad agencies who are behind the scripts. I'm excited to see how they turn out. Thanks to everyone who helped out on this, especially Nathan who took on producing duties!

It was a busy couple of days trying to fit in time to school commercials for all three products, Nintendo Wii, Stride Gum and Pampers Diapers. I shot the spots in the Pasadena area where I live, and actually shot one full spot at my house.

Max calling "action!" in our front doorway

Shot on 35mm....a must!

The Dunkley Family for the Nintendo spot

Shannon Dixon and Brian Peterson were awesome as the husband and
wife in the Pampers commercial.

I always seem to look goofy in photos, and Erin Pearce seems to think so as well

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Oct 1st and 2nd!!!

Recently I posted on the family blog that I was in need of a certain amount of money to shoot three spec commercials for Pampers, Nintendo Wii and Stride Gum. I'm excited that a great friend from Art Center (where I graduated from) is putting up the money! I'm really pumped to shoot these and it's A LOT of work to fit into one weekend. I'll be shooting one Nintendo, one Pampers, three Stride spots and a few Yo Gabba Gabba! promos all from Friday to Sunday. I have a lot of really talented people involved and I'm excited to see how they turn out.

In other news, Nathan and I have started a script that we hope to finish by early next year. I can't focus too much on it until these commercials are finished but it's going to be a "supernatural crime thriller," a mix between the X-Files, No Country for Old Men, and a little Werner Herzog sprinkled in there. I love the title too much to mention it just yet, haha. I also want to adapt my brother Jackson's comic panel he used to draw into a television pilot for Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. This would be called "It's a Weird World," almost like the title of this blog! We'll see how everything starts to take shape!

I also finished my Yo Gabba Gabba episode quite a while ago. It turned out awesome! Hopefully it will be premiering this fall! It's called "Fairy Tale," it's features the Flaming Lips and is an adaptation of "Jack and the Beanstalk."